On February 6th, the entire Stamford Board of Representatives will decide who will fill the open Board of Education seat (click here for agenda). Stamford Parents United has endorsed Jackie Pioli and encourages you to reach out to your rep via email & phone to explain to them exactly why.
See below for an outline of SPU's position & a link to find your rep.
Get up to speed on the situation: the interview process and initial vote with the Appointments Committee took place on Tuesday, January 17th, 2023 and lasted over 5 hours. Although the interview was rife with party politics, the 9 voting members went against party lines and voted for Pioli 8-1. It now goes to the full board on February 6th.
Check out our summary & analysis in this video:
Why SPU is Endorsing Jackie Pioli:
#1 Proven FREE thinker:
Does NOT play party politics
Asks hard questions of superintendent & administration
Voted to re-open schools in winter 2021
#2 Student & Family Advocate
special education advocate by profession
advocates for science-based practices
demands data-based decisions
In contrast, SPU believes that Jenniene Burke does not ask the hard questions and simply endorses the superintendent's agenda, which also happens to be the Democratic party line. Burke was president of the board at the time it was investigated and also bears responsibility for the $400,000 tax-payers spent investigating the BOE.
Use the talking points provided above to call them via phone and send AND send an email to tell them to follow the lead of the Appointments Committee and vote for the
best candidate - JACKIE PIOLI - and to leave the party politics at home.